Kahlo Collaboration Exhibition

ART 145 Advanced Printmaking & ART 111 Latin American and Latinx Art


Professor Summer Ventis – Advanced Printmaking  

Professor Mya Dosch – Latin American + Latinx Art

Student Curators:

Sage Stanley – Advanced Printmaking

Genesis Torres – Advanced Printmaking

Elizabeth Herrera – Latin  American + Latinx art 

Raymond Luquin – Latin  American + Latinx art 

Made possible by a Spring 2020 Student-Faculty Collaboration Grant from the CSUS College of Arts and Letters

Frida Kahlo created a reflection of her Mexican pride through her art and with her imagination she was able to fly. Today, her vibrant and unique aesthetic can be found around the world. Everyone can recognize the colorful flower crown, the dress, the unibrow, and the defiant gaze that is so widely used in popular culture. She has evolved from an unknown artist into an icon of strength and Mexican culture. Her colorful aesthetic and image flourishes, transforming her art into a universally known brand that can be found anywhere in popular culture today.  

 Students from the Advanced Printmaking class created a list of items that are as universally recognized as Frida Kahlo’s image. The Latin American and Latinx Art students researched the origins and histories of those icons. This research served as a jumping-off point for the Advanced Printmaking class to create artwork that reflected on those findings. Statements from both classes have been included with each artwork.