Michael Fazzino

Michael Fazzino

For my Icon assignment I chose to make prints based off of the planet Earth. As we talked about icons and what it means for something to be or look iconic, I found that the icon has to be easily recognized by a large group of people from various groups. And what could be more recognized than the place where everyone lives, every group, race, ethnicity, can recognize their home in space. Along with being easily recognized, it has a very particular shape unlike any other planet or moon in our solar system with intricate and recognizable continent shapes and a swirly white atmosphere. This icon really encompasses everything and everyone that we know.

Source Image:

Art History Student Responses to Michael Fazzino: 


By Daniel Baarns: 

My Icon is the earth. My initial reaction is the reminder of how small we are. The earth is massive, we are not, but also 70% of the earth is water. And that 60% of what’s inside of us is also water. Although pictures will never do the earth justice it is a small view of what it is really like. 

The Farthest: Voyager in Space. Films On Demand. 2017. Accessed March 9, 2022. https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=106564&xtid=188610


By Tarod Miller: 

My icon is Earth from Space.  My initial reaction to this icon is constricting.  It feels claustrophobic and tiny when compared to the vast emptiness around it.  This source focuses heavily on our relationship to the earth, both as natural and cultural entities within its structure.  One of the most surprising aspects to me, that I hadn’t really considered about this icon, is our natural and unnatural relationship to the Earth. 

Lenton. (2014). Earth systems: No place like home. Nature (London)508(7494), 41–42. https://doi.org/10.1038/508041a